Tuesday, 13 December 2011

in the women's studies journal

i was meaning to write a proper post tonight, but my energies got taken up with other things. at least i feel like i'm getting on top of the backlog of tasks i've had on my plate for a couple of months. i might even manage to relax a little over the summer break!

anyway, i wrote this post at the hand mirror about turkey's new policy for women's spaces in mosques.

and here's a link to a piece i wrote for the women's study journal (it's a pdf thing which may take a bit to load up). it's based on a speech i gave at their conference last year, and details some of my experiences in politics. obviously there's a whole lot i can't (or won't) say publicly, because i'm not willing to breach confidentiality. and also because, although i don't have the same level of experience with other parties, i suspect that have similar issues or even worse ones. i'm wary of the way my points could be used as a tool for bashing a particular party rather than focusing on the issues, which i'd be willing to bet are pretty universal.

it's a piece i found really difficult to write. it was easy to deliver as a speech, but getting things down on paper was somehow not so easy and the words didn't flow. then there was the whole editorial process, which was done gently but still involves time and energy.

but it's done and out there now. make of it what you will.

[ETA: if you want to read other pieces in the journal, here's the link.]

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