Tuesday, 4 October 2011

occupying wall st

i haven't managed to get back to the blog for a while. mostly because i haven't had any free evenings nor weekends to myself for the last few weeks. i had enforced rest the last couple of days as my body protested all the activity and decided not to function very well. i'm thankfully feeling better now, let's hope it lasts.

one of the interesting experiences i had over the last week was recording a radio commercial. no, i'm not going to be a radio star - it was in hindi, to be played on community radio, and was for my place of work. it took me 3 times to get it right, which is not too bad. but i don't think i'll make a career out of this, or at least not until i get paid the big money to do it.

speaking of radio, here's the clip from radio nz's asian report this week (afternoons, 15.34), which features the waikato muslim women & girls, and has a bit from yours truly. i thought it was put together really well.

in other news, i'm really wishing i had the courage to quit my job, travel to amercia and join the protesters occupying wall st. they're finally getting some MSM coverage, though not much. but hey, they managed to get into the "world" section of the waikato times, so they're obviously getting big enough to no longer be ignored. the mass protest over the weekend probably didn't help, especially with the questionable police tactics which were quickly glossed over by the new york times.

but if you read nothing else today, you should absolutely read the declaration of the occupation, put up a few days ago. as they say, there is so much more to be added to this list - particularly about the exploitation of workers around the world, and migrant workers within their own country. both these groups are comprised largely of people of colour, a majority of whom are women.

so here i am sitting in front of my computer when i'd much rather be part of the revolution. one of the things stopping me right now is my family commitments. when i no longer have that excuse, i really hope i'll have the courage to join in.

1 comment:

DPF:TLDR said...

There's an Occupy Wellington movement, and an Occupy Auckland one too. Occupy Hamilton could be in the works.